It’s ironic that caring for the family you’re trying to set a good example for can keep you from going to the gym. You have to watch your kids or try to find a babysitter at the same time as your workout. That’s why kids club at the gym are so helpful!
The idea behind new year’s resolutions is great. You find a goal, make a plan, and stick to it as a way of kicking off a new year well. Still, 80% of people don’t keep their resolution—and that’s just by the second week in February.
Results speak for themselves. When we admire the fit, toned bodies of ourfavorite celebrities, what we’re really impressed by are the results of their trainers. Celebrity trainers have proven track records for helping people stay in shape and reach all sorts of amazing fitness goals.
Whether you realize it or not, fitness is a family affair. Your loved ones are affected by your health- and vice versa. If you're a parent, your child’s future health is affected by your health and example of taking care of yourself too. That's why making family fitness activities part of your life is so important. Fortunately, it can be a lot of fun too!
The gift-buying season has begun. If you have a fitness fan in your life, you don't need to worry about finding the perfect present, regardless of your price range.
‘Tis the season to spread cheer, which in some cases can mean spreading your waistline! Holiday weight gain is a very real challenge. Between all the readily available seasonal treats, the parties, and the time spent traveling, it can be difficult to stick to a diet and a workout routine.
One word you’ll hear around the gym a lot these days is HIIT. An acronym for High-Intensity Interval Training, HIIT is a type ofworkout that is very trendy. Unlike some fads though, HIIT has proof behind its success.
Personal trainers specialize in understanding which exercises are best for you. They help you figure out which workout plan willhelp you reach your specific goals. Of course, these are some exercises that trainers tend to put in the majority of the personalized workout plans they create. This is because some movements are foundational for just about everyone.