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One word you’ll hear around the gym a lot these days is HIIT. An acronym for High-Intensity Interval Training, HIIT is a type of workout that is very trendy. Unlike some fads though, HIIT has proof behind its success.

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Here’s why HIIT fitness has earned its stellar reputation.

What HIIT Fitness Is All About

Technically a type of cardio workout, HIIT involves alternating between intense exercises and short recovery periods. Some specific HIIT workouts also count as strength training by incorporating lifting.  HIIT workouts tend to be quick because of their intensity.

Why HIIT Actually Works

The science behind HIIT is proven to be effective in many measurable ways. For example, HIIT is a form of anaerobic exercise. Scientific research shows that anaerobic exercise elevates the metabolism, resulting in a high number of calories burned (even after the workout is over.)

Other reasons HIIT actually works include that it:

Uses up the body’s reserve energy stores, burning fat to help with weight loss

  • Makes you take in more oxygen due to the intensity, which in turn increases caloric expenditure
  • Trains your body to handle intense exercise more effectively
  • Puts metabolic stress on muscle tissues, which causes the body to repair damaged muscle proteins more efficiently

There are other, slightly less physical benefits of HIIT too. The duration of HIIT workouts tends to be around 30 minutes, for instance, making this a short, convenient workout for busy people.

HIIT fitness

Another benefit is how diverse different HIIT workouts are, which means:

  • You can find a HIIT workout that fits your style and preferences
  • Many HIIT workouts can be adapted for individual fitness levels
  • Goals like strength training can tie into cardio
  • There are tons of HIIT workouts that don’t even require equipment

Popular Types of HIIT Workouts

Since HIIT is a type of workout, there are many specific routines to choose from. You can make one of your own by performing intervals of traditional cardio exercises, like running, along with periods of rest and exercises like jump rope or planks. Given how many great HIIT fitness routines there are though, it may be easier to start with a workout that’s already been created and rated as effective.

Where to Get Started with HIIT

If you’re new to HIIT (or just want to take your regimen to the next level), we recommend taking a HIIT class. You’ll reap all the benefits of HIIT training plus you’ll learn established, effective routines under the guidance of a coach who knows how to maximize this type of workout.

Our Ignite Group Training is a bootcamp that helps you develop a personalized program and practice HIIT with the help of experts. Other fitness classes featuring HIIT include Zumba and Insanity.

Try HIIT today. Sign up for your 30 Day Free Trial at Texas Family Fitness.

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