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Why Yoga Classes Are the Perfect Starting Point for an Active Lifestyle

Written by Texas Family Fitness | Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Nearly 80% of adults aren't meeting the guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. While weekly visits to the gym can help rectify this, many people assume that because they don't work out regularly they wouldn't be able to keep up with a trainer or group class.

However, most fitness centers will offer beginner group fitness classes that are accommodating for people from all walks of life. Yoga classes, in particular, can offer many great benefits and there are no limits on who can start. Because of this, yoga classes are one of the best ways to begin exercising and starting out your fitness journey.

If you are looking for the best fitness class for you, here are some reasons why you should consider signing up for group yoga.

Everyone Is Welcome

As mentioned above that are no limits on who can attend a yoga class. Beginners of all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels are able to start out without worry. While many people think that yoga is about perfecting pretzel-like poses, truthfully the process is about exploring your limits, improving your flexibility, and getting in touch with your body and mind.

The Physical Benefits of Yoga

Unlike traditional strength training or cardio training, yoga incorporates relaxation techniques and a slower pace which makes it good for both beginners and those who have been working out for years. Similarly, yoga is also great for helping relieve chronic pain such as that associated with arthritis, and it can also help reduce and lower blood pressure. Other benefits of yoga can include:

  • Improved flexibility
  • Muscle building and strength
  • Weight control and reduction
  • Improved cardio and circulatory health
  • Improved breathing

For these reasons, yoga is the perfect stepping stone for those looking to enter into a more active lifestyle. It can also be good for already active individuals to help maintain their bodies even when taking a break from more rigorous training exercises.

Mental Health Benefits

Alongside the physical benefits, yoga can also offer some mental health benefits as well. Yoga is exceptional for helping mitigate stress, which can wreak havoc on both the body and mind. Stress can cause many different physical ailments including headaches, neck pain, and difficulty sleeping. Because yoga incorporates elements of meditation and breathing exercises, it can help promote a better sense of awareness, calmness, and mental clarity. This can help mitigate the effects of stress and help a person feel better overall.

If you are looking for the best way to get into exercising and living a more active lifestyle, consider how training in yoga can help you achieve your goals. While it may seem intimidating at first, yoga is perfect for beginners and there are many different pose modifications that allow people of every fitness level to enjoy it. If you are interested in learning more, contact a fitness center near you to see what classes they have available that can fit your schedule. You may also be able to stop by and watch a class to see if you think it would be right for you.