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Workouts in 2020: Benefits, Beginner Tips, and How to Choose Your Gym

Written by Texas Family Fitness | Tuesday, February 11, 2020

At the beginning of each year, many people spend time outlining new year resolutions. In most cases, people want to go to the gym more and get in shape.

However, more than 80% of the people end up abandoning these resolutions along the way. Read through to know the importance of sticking to your work out regime.

Benefits of Regular Workouts

Any movement that stretches your muscles and burns some calories is referred to as exercise. Some of the common physical exercises include swimming, walking, and barbell strength lifting. No matter how you work up a sweat, here are a few of the advantages of sticking with it.

  1. Improved Mood
    Exercise is an excellent way to alleviate feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety. While working out, changes in the parts of the brain help to regulate anxiety. Besides reducing anxiety and depression, exercise increases the production of endorphins, which reduce the body’s perception of pain. Interestingly, you enjoy these benefits regardless of your workout’s intensity.
  2. Weight Loss
    Weight loss is one of the most compelling reasons to sign up for a Little Elm Texas fitness center membership. What’s the correlation between exercise and weight loss? It is in energy expenditure. Your body can use energy either through digesting food, physical activity, or body functions such as breathing. Since working out regularly increases your metabolic rate, you end up burning more calories. You'll thus shed some weight. Join little Elm Texas fitness center and begin your weight loss journey.
  3. Lowered Chronic Disease Risk
    Many chronic diseases can be attributed to a lack of regular physical exercise or can be improved by physical activity. Working out regularly can improve insulin sensitivity, decrease blood pressure, as well as decrease fat blood levels. Therefore, to reduce the risk of these harmful chronic diseases, committing to a fitness plan is crucial.

Tips for Beginners: The 3 Cs

Joining little Elm Texas fitness center with some knowledge at hand will help you see the results. Here are a few incredible tips.

  • Consistency: You probably have heard this countless times. But we can never stress the importance of consistency enough. As much as stepping into the gym is a good start, you will only see the results if you make it a habit. Regardless of how busy your days are, try to go to the gym three or four times a week to see some change.
  • Control: As a beginner, you probably have watched workout videos. And that’s okay. However, you could be viewing the wrong content. For instance, you might try to lift too much too soon. Instead of focusing on more weights, learn how to squeeze your muscles to lift the weights as opposed to using your hips to push them up.
  • Compound Movements: Being a beginner, you might be tempted to go straight to exercises that work a single muscle group. Unfortunately, you won’t get the best results. If you are aiming at muscular endurance or fat loss, start with compound movements, then gradually add isolation moves to your fitness routine. Some of the compound movements include squats, deadlift, and lunges.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gym

Deciding to start a fitness routine is a bold move. It calls for commitment and enthusiasm. Besides your effort, you need to get the perfect gym. Here are a few factors to consider while looking for one.

  • Member Profile: Some gyms exclusively serve a particular group of people. For instance, some target women, while others only work with competitive athletes. Therefore, find out if your preferred gym can accept you. While looking at the profile, find out how many members the gym has, and how busy it gets.
  • Equipment: Each equipment in the gym has a unique role. Therefore, before committing to a particular gym, ensure they have what you need. Some of the conventional equipment to be on the lookout for include dumbbells, weight machines, and cardio machines. Little Elm Texas fitness center has a wide variety of equipment, spoiling you for choice.
  • Accessibility: Get a gym that is quite close to your home. You can also get a gym close to your workplace, such that you stop by on your way home. You are less likely to skip the sessions.
  • Extra Features: After an intense work out session, you deserve a massage or your favorite snack. It would be best if you got a nutritionist to get the best results. If these amenities are included in your membership, all the better.

Now that you're familiar with the benefits of regular exercise, know how to start out, and can feel confident in choosing the right gym, you're ready to make good on your 2020 resolution. For more information on our facility, please contact us today.